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Sand Table of Time (2017.3) is an interactive art installation. Time to witness everything and dilute everything. In the repetitive cycle of life, people study, work, or date through each passing day. Maybe something you did today will influence your future. When time past, every experience will be the last.

Demo video.

The inspiration of this project is from "Words from a Lady of 100 Years Old" by Yang Jiang. We could obtain different level of self-cultivation and benefit after experiencing different level of toughness. This is just like spice, which is more fragrant when it is grinded finely. We used to long for the waves of our fate but eventually we realize that the most beautiful scenery in our life is a mindset of calmness and serenity. We used to be eager to acquire acknowledgment from outside, but in end we get to know that the world is yours after all and its none of anybody else’s business.

This is the sketch of this project. I want to use a dc motor, vibration motor, and a force sensor. The vibration motor can alter the sand on the sand table, which means people usually influenced by their environment will lose themselves. 

After the sketch, I want to use the servo motor instead of the vibration motion, because I want to make more shape and pattern on the sand table. 

This is the demo of The sand table of time.

The final version 

Interactive video.

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