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WINGS (2017, 3)


Wings(2017.3) is a kinetic sculpture. I use cam mechanism to simulate the flapping of bird wings.

This project uses cam mechanism. The follower's pattern of movement depends on the profile or outside edge of the cam that it follows. If the cam is perfectly round and the fixed shaft is in the centre of the cam, the follower will dwell. But if the cam is a different shape, and/or the shaft is not central, the follower will rise or fall. How often and how quickly the follower moves is determined by the shape of the cam and the position of the shaft.

This video is about how the cam mechanism working.

To shape the wings I added many feathers as detail using laser cut to make feather texture.

I used transparent plastic sheet as material because I want to people see the shadow of feathers so that people can see clearly the wings flying on the sky. 

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